The world has lost another young man to Colon cancer. Today the Globe & Mail covered the story of Matthew Wuest, the founder of popular hockey site CapGeek.com. Based in Nova Scotia, Wuest quietly built up an audience for what many perceived as the MOST important online resource in hockey.
“Matthew Wuest brought the NHL’s complex salary-cap system to the masses through his wildly popular and influential website CapGeek. And he did it on his own, often from a laptop at his kitchen table in Halifax.
Wuest’s creation was the go-to source for salary and contract information for everyone interested in hockey. When he shut it down in January, fans and NHL insiders shared in the disappointment, not realizing that Wuest was battling colon cancer.
Wuest died Thursday at the age of 35.” –read the full story at GlobeandMail.com
It is time to stop considering colon cancer an “old person’s disease” and make screening more accessible to everyone young and old. After all, “Not Knowing is Not the Answer.