There are only four spots left in this year Giants Head Grind and we will be sold out! Deadline is midnight tonight….
24 hours left to Register for the Inaugural Giants Head Grind Race – May 17th, 2014
283 Registered Participants….will we reach our goal of 300 ???
Woke up this morning checked our website and was thrilled to see 283 registered participants for the Giants Head! Registration closes on Monday May 5th at midnight so if you think you want to be part of this great day….you still have time to register….our Goal from the beginning was 300 and it is looking very positive.
Thanks for taking the time to join us on the Grind!
See you May 17th…
268 Registered Participants!
We are at 268 registered participants as of 10:30 this evening….thank you so much to everyone that has registered and or nudge a friend, co-worker, partner, or other family member to take the time to join us on May 17th. The first Giants Head Grind will be here in two short weeks and we still believe we will have 300 registered participants …….we are so close! So if you know someone that is thinking of joining us but hasn’t hit the “Register” button yet, now is the time.
Registration is suppose to close tomorrow May 1st, but we are going to extend the deadline for registration until Monday May 5th…so there is still time to be part of this great day!
Thanks for Grinding!
2nd Prize Draw Winner Announced! – Shelly Peterson
Congratulations to Shelly Peterson the lucky winner of a 2 night stay at the Craftsman Inn on the Hill in Summerland, British Columbia. Shelly lives and works in Summerland and says she has loved the home which is the Craftsman Inn since she first saw it when she moved here 10 years ago.
This prize was drawn from among the 200 people that had registered for the Giants Head Grind. We are very pleased to say that we are now at 230 persons and hope to reach our goal of 300 registered racers. If we do there is another great draw prize waiting to be won!
Thank you Shelly for taking the time to be part of this event we look forward to having you along with all the other “Grinders” joining us to climb the Giants Head on May 17th!